Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kicking and Screaming

So here I am being dragged kicking and screaming to blog. Well, anyone who knows me knows you can't really make me do anything I don't want to do, nor stop me from doing something I want to do.
I've never been a journal keeper, but I decided there are too many precious, funny, and memorable moments these days. I am likely to forget them all if I don't put them in writing somewhere! As a nurse, I find the mind is quick to go.
I apologize ahead of time for my poor writing skills. Maybe my sense of humor can mask my lack of talent! I do know that either way I will be able to look back for years to come and enjoy remembering the timeless moments my sweet girls give me everyday. So here goes nothing!


  1. I love blogging....and can't go through the day without checking the blogs that I follow...thanks for taking the plundge!

  2. Yay! No secrets anymore! We are all putting it all out there!
