Saturday, October 9, 2010

Worth it..

There are many times I catch myself saying, "it's worth it!" Here are a few things I will always feel are worth it...

1. Febreeze Noticeables- no other room fresheners compare
2. Quality furniture- especially the kind you sit on
3. Blue Bell- because no other ice cream compares
4. Leather seats- because once you have hiney warmers you can't go without them
5. Coffeemate Creamer- thanks Mer for turning me on to this snobery
6. Front Loading washer/dryer- because I truly feel it makes clothes cleaner
7. Liquid Fabric Softener- because the sheets don't cut it
8. A nice camera- because memories are priceless
9. Reynold's non-stick aluminum foil- thanks to Marn for this particular snobery
10. Good insurance- this is a no-brainer, if you can get USAA you should!
11. KRAFT mac and cheese- because Laura Lynn just don't get it
12. Lawn service- because a first impression is important
13. Traveling to Europe- because Disney's castle is lame
14. A quality mattress- because a good night's (or day) sleep is sooo important
15. Time spent cutting/planning coupons- with well over $1,000 saved this year... duh!

Now here are a few things that aren't worth it (to me)...
1. Name brand: sour cream, butter, bleach, and milk (and several more)
2. Pedicures- because I can paint my own toes
3. Expensive jeans- because $30 is plenty
4. Starbucks- because McDonald's isn't half bad
5. Scrapbooking- atleast the old fashioned way, shutterfly books are the way to go!
6. TV- because I have better things to do with my time, but Bo won't let me cancel it

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